Angličtina pro dceru: Fruit and Vegetables

Choose the right word and read:

An apple is a #fruit#fruit#vegetable.
A cabbage is a #vegetable#fruit#vegetable.
A carrot is a #vegetable#fruit#vegetable.
A cauliflower is a #vegetable#fruit#vegetable.
Cherries are a #fruit#fruit#vegetable.
A cucumber is a #vegetable#fruit#vegetable.
A banana is a #fruit#fruit#vegetable.
A broccoli is a #vegetable#fruit#vegetable.
Grapes are a #fruit#fruit#vegetable.
A garlic is a #vegetable#fruit#vegetable.
A lemon is a #fruit#fruit#vegetable.
A lime is a #fruit#fruit#vegetable.
Lettuce is a #vegetable#fruit#vegetable.
An onion is a #vegetable#fruit#vegetable.
An orange is a #fruit#fruit#vegetable.
A plum is a #fruit#fruit#vegetable.
Peas are a #vegetable#fruit#vegetable.
A peach is a #fruit#fruit#vegetable.
Peppers are a #vegetable#fruit#vegetable.
A pineapple is a #fruit#fruit#vegetable.
Potatoes are a #vegetable#fruit#vegetable.
A sweetcorn is a #vegetable#fruit#vegetable.
Spinach is a #vegetable#fruit#vegetable.
A radish is a #vegetable#fruit#vegetable.
Strawberries are a #fruit#fruit#vegetables.
A watermelon is a #vegetable#fruit#vegetable.
A tomato is a #vegetable#fruit#vegetable.

Pictures and Pronunciation:

Note: vegetables = veggies = greens

Family Members
I. Match the words:

mother father
daughter son
sister brother
aunt uncle
cousin cousin
niece nephew
grandmother grandfather
great-grandmother great-grandfather
Mum Dad
Grandpa Granny
father mother
son daughter
brother sister
uncle aunt
cousin cousin
nephew niece
grandfather grandmother
great-grandfather great-grandmother
Dad Mum
Grandpa Granny

Patchwork family

stepmother stepfather
stepdaughter stepson
stepsister stepbrother
stepaunt stepuncle
stepcousin stepcousin
stepniece stepnephew
stepgrandmother stepgrandfather
stepgreat-grandmother stepgreat-grandfather
stepmum stepdad
Grandpa Granny

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