Ceux qui se sont lancés dans l'apprentissage du tchèque, vous diront les expériences inoubliables et passionnantes qu'ils ont vécues aux côtés de cette langue slave. Si vous avez décidé de les rejoindre, les informations suivantes sur nos cours de tchèque en République tchèque vous concernent :

Trouvez votre cours de tchèque idéal à Prague:

Cours intensifs de tchèque d'une semaine à Prague

    Cours intensifs de tchèque d'une semaine sans programme à Prague

    Vous cherchez en vain depuis longtemps un cours de tchèque utile et amusant à Prague ? Nous avons ce qu’il vous faut !

    Nos cours de tchèque ont lieu pendant l'année scolaire et ils commencent chaque première semaine du mois : en septembre, en octobre, en novembre, en décembre, en janvier, en février, en mars, en avril, en mai et en juin.


    6. 2. – 10. 2. 2023
    6. 3. – 10. 3. 2023
    3. 4. – 8. 4. 2023
    – there are only 2 lessons on We, lessons are held on Sa as well
    15. 5. – 20. 5. 2023
    5. 6. – 9. 6. 2023
    24. 7. – 29. 7. 2023 – there are only 2 lessons on We, lessons are held on Sa as well
    4. 9. – 8. 9. 2023
    2. 10. – 6. 10. 2023
    6. 11. – 10. 11. 2023
    4. 12. – 8. 12. 2023
    8. 1. – 14. 1. 2024


    Course Fee

    CZK 2,750 / week


    Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr: 9:00 am – 10:30 am, 10:45 am – 12:15 pm


    Hybernská – Masarykovo nádraží Metro Station or Hlavní nádraží Metro Station


    The maximum number of students in a group is 8.
    The minimum number of students in one group is 3.
    If there are not enough participants to form a group of the same level,
    the given course fee is for 15 teaching units for 2 students in a group
    or for 8 individual lessons.

    Formulaire d’inscription

    Les frais de scolarité pour nos cours d'une semaine à Prague comprennent :

    Cours tchèque de fin de semaine à Prague
    A. Cours tchèque de fin de semaine à Prague – cours de semestre

    DatesIII. 08. 04. – 10. 06. 2023
    I.   07. 10. – 09. 12. 2023
    II.  06. 01. – 09. 03. 2024
    Number of lessons40 teaching units (1 teaching unit = 45 minutes)
    Course Fee5,750 Czech Crowns for a Course – the textbook is not included in the Course Fee
    WhenSa: 10:00 – 11:30, 11:45 – 13:15
    Sessions1., 21. 1., 28. 1., 4. 2., 11. 2., 18. 2., 25. 2., 4. 3., 11. 3.
    III. 8. 4., 15. 4., 22. 4., 29. 4., 6. 5., 13. 5., 20. 5., 27. 5., 3. 6., 10. 6
    I. 7. 10., 14. 10., 21. 10., 28. 10., 4. 11., 11. 11., 18. 11., 25. 11., 2. 12., 9. 12.
    II. 6. 1., 13. 1., 20. 1., 27. 1., 3. 2., 10. 2., 17. 2., 24. 2., 2. 3., 9. 3.
    LocationHybernská – Masarykovo nádraží Metro Station or Hlavní nádraží Metro Station
    NoteThe maximum number of students in a group is 8.
    The minimum number of students in a group is 3.
    The given course fee is for 30 teaching units a week for 2 students in a group.
    The given course fee is for 20 individual teaching units.

    Les frais de scolarité pour nos cours de semestre de fin de semaine à Prague comprennent :

    B. Cours tchèque de fin de semaine à Prague – séances séparée

    Dates and Programme 16. 9. 2023 Automn – Automn Weather, Czech Automn Holidays and Traditions
    23. 9. 2023 Vocabulary Attact and Conversation (shops, in a restaurant, house, weather,...)
    30. 9. 2023 Czech Proverbs and Idioms, see e. g. Czech Proverbs
    7. 10. 2023 Czech Songs you are to know, see e. g. Czech Songs
    14. 10. 2023 Czech Poems you will fall in love with, see e. g. Czech Poems
    21. 10. 2023 Czech Quiz, see e. g. Czech Quizzes
    28. 10. 2023 Czech Jokes, see e. g. Czech Jokes
    4. 11. 2023 Winter – Winter Weather, Czech Winter Holidays and Traditions
    11. 11. 2023 FMM= Frequently Made Mistakes (mít rád/a, dělat rád/a; Word Order; znát, vědět; Preposition "for" in Czech; "svůj", ...)
    18. 11. 2023 Frequently Made Mistakes by Russian Speakers (Word Order, Faux Amis, Gender, Pronunciation)
    25. 11. 2023 Level A1 Tests – Analysis & Exercises, see Czech Langugae Test A1
    2. 12. 2023 Our Online Level A2 Test – Analysis & Exercises, see Czech Langugae Test A2
    9. 12. 2023 Czech For Academic Purposes or Czech for Aspiring Students
    Number of lessons 4 lessons per weekend (1 lesson = 45 minutes)
    Course Fee CZK 575/ weekend
    When Sa: 14:00 pm – 15:30 pm, 15:45 pm – 17:15 pm
    Location Hybernská – Masarykovo nádraží Metro Station or Hlavní nádraží Metro Station
    Note The maximum number of students in a group is 8.
    The minimum number of students in one group is 3.
    If there are not enough participants to form a group of the same level, the given course fee is for 3 teaching units for 2 students in a group or for 2 individual lessons.


    Les frais de scolarité pour les s nos cours de fin de semaine à Prague comprennent :

    Half-Year Intensive Czech Language Courses in Prague

    Dates 18. 9. 2023 – 18. 1. 2024
    Number of Lessons 300 Teaching units: 15 weeks of lessons – 20 teaching units a week (1 teaching unit = 45 minutes)
    Holidays 28. 9., 28. 10, 17. 10., ????21. 12. – 1. 1.
    Price 34 000 Czech crowns
    Schedule Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr: 9:00 – 10:30, 10:45 – 12:15
    Location Hybernská – at Masarykovo nádraží or Hlavní nádraží Metro Stations THE COURSE IS ALSO AVAILABLE VIA SKYPE, ZOOM AND WECHAT.
    Home Study Minimum two hours five times a week
    Materials Česky pomalu, ale jistě Česky krok za krokem 1: lekce 1 – 12 interactive grammar and lexical exercises on internal platform: examples here further supplementary materials
    Note The maximum number of students in a group is 10. The minimum number of students in a group is 4. The given course fee is for 15 teaching units a week for 3 students in a group. The given course fee is for 10 teaching units a week for 2 students in a group. Individual Course is 5 sixty-minute lessons a week.
    Visa For detailed information on visas please visit this website.

    Cours intensifs de tchèque d'une semaine sans programme à Prague

    Intensive One-Week Czech Language Courses with Afternoon Programme in Prague

    Dates 20. 07. – 26. 07. 2025
    Number of lessons 22 lessons per week (1 lesson = 45 minutes)
    Course Fee 4,890 CZK*/ week when booking one month before the course
    5,190 CZK*/ week
    When Mo, Tu, Th, Fr, Sa: 9:00 am – 10:30 am, 10:45 am – 12:15 pm
    & We: 9:00 am – 10:30 am
    Location Týnská – Staroměstská Metro Station or Náměstí Republiky Metro Station
    Note The minimum number of students in one group is three.
    If there are not enough participants to form a group of the same level,
    the given course fee is for 11 teaching units for two students in a group or
    for 6 individual lessons.
    Reduction Returning students are granted a reduction of 300 CZK* per week.
    Detailed Programme Detailed Programme

    * EUR 1 = approx. CZK 24.50


    Programme of Czech Language Courses in Prague

    Morning Programme – from Monday to Saturday

    • communication-based Czech lessons at various levels with emphasis on conversation, language games and Czech grammar (beginners welcome)

    Afternoon Programme, e.g.:

    • sightseeing in Prague
    • half-day outing, e. g. historical UNESCO-town Kutná Hora

    The Course Fee for our Intensive Czech Language Courses in Prague includes:


  1. Mohcine


    I’m Mohcine Jabairi, Moroccan, Bachelor and I would like to learn Czech language to study at university in Czech, and I have some questions :

    – is there any one year preparatory or long term study Czech ?
    – do you gave the statue “student” for the visa ?
    – how much for the price?

    Thank you

    1. Jitka Štecová Post author

      Dear Mr. Jabairi,
      thank you for contacting us.

      There are of course a lot of long-term Czech language courses, e.g. one is organised by UJOP.
      Their website is
      and they will definitely provide you more information concerning dates, prices, visa requirements etc.

      However, should you have any further questions, please do contact me any time.

      Kind regards,

      Jitka Štecová
      Course Manager

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